Before seeing a doctor, you should get checked your vitals, which are the basis for Specialist Doctors to diagnose and prescribe medications or further tests.
Vital signs are an essential part of a case presentation to Doctor. Vital signs are measures of various physiological statistics, taken by health professionals, in order to assess the most basic body functions. Vital signs often vary by age. |
Taking vital signs normally entails recording weight, temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, Oxygen Saturation or respiratory rate & other measurements, if required. These are to be taken by the healthcare staff directly from the patient only at the clinic.
After perusing vitals, hearing you & correlating with the complaints, Doctor may prescribe medicines or advise to undergo some blood tests immediately or any other diagnostic procedures and thereafter meet the Doctor with such reports for face to face or Video consultation as per the requirement. (No Consultation Fee for Second Consultation within 14 days of first consultation).
The video linkage will be arranged by us in our clinic in a sanitized/disinfected room for each patient.
To coordinate you and Doctor, one of our healthcare personnel will be with you through out.
Therefore, please attend the Clinic 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment for preparing the case sheet and to present the same to the Doctor.